Safe bearing capacity of soil/construction

Safe bearing capacity of soil/construction

Safe bearing capacity of soil/construction

Allowable safe bearing capacity of soil,Building structure, Chemical treatment of soil, Concrete blocks, Determination of Ultimate bearing capacity of soil in the field, Earth compaction,Gravity pipe drainage system


Foundation :

The earth soil supporting a building structure should be strong enough to carry the live load. After thorough exploration of the type of soil, ground water table, depth of rock obtained at foundation etc., the further stage is to go for an appropriate foundation required for the building structure.

The maximum load per unit area which the soil can withstand without any displacement or settlement or shear failure is called the “Safe bearing capacity of the soil.”

Maximum load on footing

Therefore Safe bearing capacity of soil = ———————————————–

Area of the footing

The maximum pressure intensity at the base of the foundation that a soil can withstand without any possibility of shear failure only, irrespective of any kind of settlement that would cause.

Maximum safe Bearing Capacity of Different soils :


Allowable safe bearing capacity or Permissible
safe bearing capacity of soil:

There are many methods of determination of bearing capacity of soil but the easiest and commonly used field test is the plate load test, explained here.

Test Plate : The bottom of the test plate should be along the proposed foundation level. {b1/d1=b2/d2}

Loading : The loading is done with sand bags, concrete blocks or stones

Most of the times in the areas where soil having poor bearing capacity at shallow depth or nominal depth, then the size of the footings works out to be expensive. Under such situations, it becomes essential to improve the safe bearing capacity of the soil by adopting the following measures

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Srinivasa N is the founder of My Home My Design. With 28 Years of vast experience in the field of construction, backed with Civil Engineering Degree from Recognized University and College. He is also a BBMP registered Engineer. He has held senior positions in construction industries such as General Manager, Quality Head, Consultant and Managing Partner in the said company. He is deeply passionate about quality and an eye to detail. While he is not busy conducting audits for residential and commercial properties, he likes to share his knowledge and expertise on this website.

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