Building Functional aspects/Home Inspection
- By Myhome
- July 19, 2019
- 1:03 pm
- No Comments
Building Site Selection: The first and foremost thing for any construction is its site selection and the important points to be considered for building site selection are as follows. Developed zone : A building site should be situated in fully developed or at least in improving zone. (Fig 1) Site…

Building Site Selection :
The first and foremost thing for any construction is its site selection and the important points to be considered for building site selection are as follows.
- Developed zone : A building site should be situated in fully developed or at least in improving zone. (Fig 1)
- Site should be on an elevated place and also flat with even gradients from one end to the other, to deliver speedy drain out of rain water. (Fig 2)
- SBC of soil : The earth soil of the site is good in quality i.e., having rich safe bearing capacity to deliver cost effective foundation for building. (Fig 3) (Will Explained in detail, the article SBC of soil – coming up shortly)
- Residential zone : Site should be located strictly in residential zone and substantially away from industries, quarries, rivers, lakes, kilns, valleys, water logged or low laying areas, slums etc.
- The site should be located in natural lovely environs which creates healthy atmosphere for all seasons throughout the year.
- Basic amenities : Also site should be situated, such that all basic and fundamental amenities like School, hospitals, markets, commercials, water supply, electrical, fire services, transport services are available within short distance.
- The shape of the plot should be rectangular or slightly irregular but free from Triangular shape, Circular, sharp corners and curves.
- Bye -laws : Careful study of bye-laws of local authority is a must for setback areas for all sides of the proposed building in a plot.

Site with Natural Slope is advantageous for building site selection

Basic amenities like electrical lines, sloping road is good for building site selection
Site Plan :
It is a plan displaying position of the space belonging to the building under reflection. This should comprise the following information and prepared well in advance before the actual construction starts.
- Boundary line : The profile of the site and the boundary line of the plot with all external dimensions.
- Setback line or open space available at front, back and sides of the building.
- North line : North line and direction of wind marked on the plot.
- All Permanent benchmarks remaining on plot.
- Road width : Type of existing avenue, road width with name and footpath width clearly mentioned.
- Necessary contour lines showing difference in levels between lower and higher altitudes.
Service lines :
Necessary service lines like water supply, drainage, main sewer lines, electrical cables, gas line, and telephone lines are clearly marked over the plan.
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