Plumbing Services in Bengaluru
Plumbing Services
Like all civil construction works , Plumbing services in Bangalore or anywhere plays very important role in construction industry,society as well as in public life.
Quality Materials : This plumbing services for buildings of any type whether it is new, existing or under construction, has to be tackled carefully with complete engineering knowledge, field experience, quality materials and by reliable professional agency, contractor or team of people.
Leakages : While doing work, closely observe all minute details and see that no leakages are found anywhere in pipe line, taps, floors or walls.
Water Pressure testing : is highly advisable and useful to be done after completion of pipe setting once, next after fixtures fixed in position and then finally handing over stage.
Engineering Quality Standards : All these above points and even more will be carried out by our company called My Home My Design have an expert team that handle plumbing services in Bangalore or anywhere by professional plumbing contractors, team of plumbers as per engineering quality standards.
These quality standards of Plumbing services in Bangalore or anywhere should follow the procedure for all new construction works like waterproofing works, Pipe markings, groove cutting, threading, fixing of pipes in position etc., explained in detail with suitable photos and videos in this WEBSITE.

Glimpses of our Plumbing services in Bengaluru
- Prompt and reliable plumbing services.
- Team of Fully equipped, expert and skilled plumbers.
- Best and reasonable services, for all types of buildings, apartments, commercial complexes etc.
- Trying level best solutions for challenging and emergency plumbing problems.
- Usage of correct tools, equipment, latest ideas and technologies to addressing all kinds of plumbing issues irrespective of quantity of work.
- Professional Licensed plumbing contractors in Bangalore and experienced plumbers
- Attending all your needs like RCC tank or sintex tank with pipe fittings, all sanitary fixtures, all CP fixtures (purchase from reputed plumbing company in Bangalore), pipe blockages, taps repairs and replacements, hot water issues etc.,
- Plumber online Bangalore - facility available after collecting necessary details like work, scope, materials, service and approximate cost involved.
Connect with us to avail a complete construction services
Internal pipe work in Bath rooms, Toilets, Kitchen and utility to be concealed and carried out as per specifications and working drawings.
Tools required for piping works :
Chisel, screw driver, die set, chain wrench, Pipe Wrench, pipe vice, sledge hammer, bench vice, hammer drilling machine, small angle grinding machine, drill bits, groove cutting machine, grinding wheel, pressure testing machine, spirit level, chalk, straight edge, level tube, file, Hammer Drill Bit, Grinding Wheel, Measuring Tape

Procedure of works:
- First Marking to be done for all internal walls in bathrooms, toilets, kitchen and utility showing the positions of taps, valves, and all points including running pipe lines or layout marking, as per the heights clearly mentioned in the plumbing drawings, by using chalk, straight edge, spirit level and plumb bob.
- Exactly follow these marking lines while chasing or groove cutting using cutting machine or chasing machine. In between portion of cutting lines is to be carefully removed by chisel and hammer. Always bear in mind that the depth of groove cutting should be equal to the diameter of pipe and width to be 8 mm more than the diameter to accommodate the pipe line.
3. The following specification and class of materials is recommended as per IS standards.
a) For Cold water pipes, Blue UPVC high pressure threaded pipes of Schedule 80 made of ASTM IS-1785 and threaded as per IS 1239 (Part I) to be used and GI fittings for pipe work as per IS 1239 (Part II)
b) For Hot water pipes, Class 1 Copper pipes as per BS 2871 Part 1 and fittings as BS 864 Part II to be used. (Here we taken just for reference sake)
4. Always ensure that the depth of groove cutting for cold water supply lines and cold feed lines including rough plaster thickness restricted to 30 mm and for hot water supply lines by 50 mm.
5. Before proceeding for threading of UPVC pipe at project site, insert a correct size wooden plug in the pipe end, square cut its ends and using a file chamfer the ends of pipe. The pipes surfaces inserting in gripping vice should be covered with proper packing in order to prevent damages, thick worn out marks over the pipe surfaces.
6. Prepare pipe-skeleton as per the marking line on wall surface and check all joints for correct tightness. Always go for the reputed approved brand pipes, accessories and pipe fittings including jointing materials. (Fig.1)

7. Before fixing, the pipes are to be checked for any visible damage such as broken edges, cracking or spalling of pipe etc.
8. Mark the exact location of fixtures as per working drawings and check with tile pattern drawing. Title patterns shall be marked on walls by the Tiles contractor.
9. Fixing of pipe skeleton in wall to be done using 40 mm length plumbing nails or holder clamps at intervals of 230 mm on alternate side of pipe. Back filling of pipes to be done with rich cement mortar in 1: 3 ratio.
10. For the Pipe joints, it is advisable to use hand tightening of the fitting only and it should be covered with proper layer of Teflon tape. For permanent joint fitting, just one to two turns over the hand tightened joint is enough. Avoid excess or over tightening over joint, as this may results in damage of both pipe and fittings.
11. Sufficient care should be taken while connecting UPVC pipe with G.I Fittings. Only Reputed brand of quality shellac should be used for jointing.
12. By using pressure testing equipment, Water tightness of line is to be checked. By connecting inlet and outlet points of pipe line to the pressure testing machine with pressure gauge, all other openings should be plugged.
13. The pressure test reading should be above 7 kg/cm2 or 80 PSI, and ensure that no water or not even a single drop of water is coming out of the joints during testing. The test to be carried out for the duration of 24 hours. Test should be witnessed and approved by authorized personnel of client or PMC consultants
14. Keep all the bore pipe pieces projecting out by minimum 200 mm from plastered wall surface.
15. For cold water pipe work, Cover the pipe skeleton including fittings with good quality Hessian cloth and tie it fully. Maintain a gap of 10 mm between all pipes and fittings to allow thermal expansion and contraction of pipes for longer durability.
16. Do the pressure testing once again after fixing in position and ensure no leakage.
17. Always note that Horizontal pipe lines running in bathrooms sunken floors should be cement or concrete encased and tested before cinder filling with compaction in order to avoid damages of pipe lines.
18.Curing to be done for plaster over pipes for 7 days.
Installation procedure for hot water lines using Copper Pipes
- The pipe routing should be as per approved plumbing drawing.
- All concealed pipes should be firmly fixed in respective hot water lines using holder clamps as per drawing and ensure that the correct size fittings and pipes being used.

3.The two ends of pipes can be joining by using oxy –acetylene brazing with flanged fittings.
4.This two ends of the brazed pipe shall be cut using pipe cutter or hacksaw of fine blade. The ends should be cut perpendicular to the axis and see that ends of the pipe is free from damage.
5. After cutting the pipe, few rough edges around and inside of the pipe will found. These rough edges are known as “burr” and it should be removed with sharp blade or file.
6. Clean the external surface of the pipe that will ultimately go into the opening of the fitting, along with the internal surface of the fitting.
7. After cleaning, Apply water soluble flux to the pipe and fitting by smearing a thin film of Flow flex flux around the external ends of the pipe and to the internal of the cleaned opening of the fitting by using small brush.
8. Attach the pipe into the fitting, push fully and wipe off the surplus flux.
9. After completion of brazing, the joints should be allowed to cool for few minutes.
10.All straight length of pipes should be insulated during installation.
11.These pipes installation is over, then it is a time for its testing called hydro test. Here the pipes should be subjected to hydro test @ 8 bar for 6 hours.
12.After successful completion of pressure test, the pipe joints should be well insulated using a reputed approved brand of insulating materials.
15/4, gurunath 2 A cross Hanumagirinagar, Chikkallasandra Main Road Subramanyapura,
Bengaluru – 560061
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