Pre Construction Anti Termite Treatment
- By Myhome
- July 19, 2019
- 1:02 pm
- No Comments

Pre construction Termite Treatment
- Purpose of Pre construction Anti Termite treatment: It is the treatment to Concrete structures to protect against attack by sub-terrain termites by appropriate chemical measures. This chemical treatment acts as a barrier for termites.Termite treatment for new construction and for existing construction is also very important to be done at appropriate time and stages.
- The work shall be carried out by authorized pest control agency should produce a document of guarantee for satisfactory performance of termite treatment for a minimum period of 10 years.
- Treatment is to be applied for well compacted and leveled earth surface only.
- Construction stages :
- Anti Termite Treatment in construction shall be carried out during different stages of structure below foundation level up to plinth level.
- The approved chemical is to be used for treatment, covers footings bottom, foundation trenches, columns, flooring area below PCC,
- For expansion joints and all junctions of floor and walls as per the standard specifications set by IS 6313 part II (1981) (Ref Fig 2, 5 and 6)
- Chloropyriphos :
- Unless otherwise specified, based on experience, I would preferred, here the chemical to be used is Chloropyriphos 20% EC with ISI certification.
- The dosage of treatment in the ratio 1:20 is applicable by dilute one part of Chloropyriphos 20% EC with 20 parts of water in order to get 1% chemical emulsion.
- Authorized and well experienced personnel from termite control should handle the chemical by nozzle sprayers.
- PPE’s :
- People must wear necessary safety measures like goggles, face mask, rubber boots, hand gloves, etc. Before spraying chemical, check the wind direction and avoid spraying the chemical in the direction of wind.
- For all horizontal and vertical surfaces, the chemical emulsion dosage rate is 7.5 litre/m
- For along the Periphery of concrete structure or building insert crow bar at regular intervals of 150 mm distance and 300 mm depth and pour the emulsion directly into the hole.
- By applying the anti-termite treatment in the said manner, as we discussed, an uninterrupted barrier will be created throughout the building, coming in contact with soil by all types of structures such as PCC, footings, columns, stones, bricks or solid blocks.

Fig 1 - Inspection of compacted surface before termite treatment

Fig 2 - Application of Termite treatment

Fig 3 - Mixing of Chloropyriphos chemical into water

Fig 4 - Making holes for ground to receive termite treatment

Fig 5 - Termite treatment below foundation as per IS 1613 part II (1981)

Fig 6
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